- Begrudgingly choosing CBOR over MessagePack
- Meetup.com in your calendar
- Life GPA
- Alternatives to "sorry"
- dreaming of smel shell
- I am not offering mentoring
- "Thanks. How do you want to help?"
- SI Base Units & Constants
- Materials Cheat Sheet
- Cramming scrapscript into msgpack
- Sorry Spotify, I Wrapped It Myself
- Your Next Two Zeroes
- I hereby pardon all parking enforcement officers
- The Timeless Way of Software
- Colt's Revolutions
- Year Day is December 11
- Town Hall #27: Skies
- Stinky Gifts From Your Idea Kitty
- How to Flatpack Programs
- Insurance Insurance
- Host an indie-web yardsale on your /junk page
- /junk
- Rob the Whole World; Give It Back
- How to build god and get away with it
- Town Hall #26: Rounding
- A History of Microwave Ovens
- A Georgist's Guerilla Gardening Guide
- Legalize Life (and Living)
- Kimba Syndrome
- the soundless interstitium
- Irresponsible Servers: From Slop Talk to Shop Talk
- Seizing the Means of Re-Production
- Town Hall #25: Simularium
- Reactive Relational Algebra
- growing the graveyard of "better spreadsheets"
- a one man war of attrition
- Profitable Plant Propagation Prevents Poaching
- Offensive Horticulture
- Proplifting, Plant Piracy, and Dumpster Chocolates
- So Many Silver Landmines
- bang! bang! he murdered math! {the musical!}
- Town Hall #24: FWD
- scrapsheets (demo)
- The Silicon Valley Tarpits
- FWD: RE: radioactive fungus email from grandma
- Town Hall #23: Clown World
- Against the Advice of My Superintelligence
- "work hard, play hard"
- Publishable Network Contracts in Scrapscript
- VisionOS Dev: Taylor's Opinionated and Already-Outdated Guide (2024)
- POSETTE 2024: How/Why to Sweep Async Tasks...
- Metabootstrapped Messaging Protocols
- Urgent/Optimistic Meeting Matrix
- Elm Town #75: The Great Wall of Code
- The Acme of Software
- Kyle Explains "Legacy Software" to the Aliens
- To Chelsea & Mom, Happy Mothers' Day
- Town Hall #22: News
- the best bad baby names
- Town Hall #21: Basement
- Dear advertisers, please respect my thirst for novelty.
- the best words
- Foods for Straight Teeth & Easy Breathing
- long time; forgot to human
- Concat Arrays with SQL Aggregate Functions
- People & Blogs: Taylor Troesh
- Why I Write Extremely
- Tidy Dice
- Hyper-Realistic 2037 Concept Car Interior
- Half-Star Emoji (for Half the Price)
- Town Hall #20: Pinball
- Clean your codebase with basic information theory
- Podcast RSS XML (in Ugly SQL)
- A Simple SRS Algo (in Ugly SQL)
- An Antidote to Subscription Fatigue
- flashcasts.com
- Frugly vs. Freemium
- eventbrite.ics
- Nontrepeneur: Derek Sivers
- Nontrepeneur: Clifford Stoll
- Nontrepeneur: Steve Wozniak
- On Nontrepeneurship
- That Vonnegut/Heller Story
- licensure
- Everything Worse Than Previously Thought
- a jar of dirt, or how we failed to exhume my great-great-uncle
- Town Hall #19: Whimsy
- "Please click on all images of the heaviest animal species"
- Hacker Stations: Taylor Troesh
- why I didn't play this harpsichord sooner
- Emoji by Category
- Emoji by Year
- Re: (Extremely, unnecessarily long) Thanks for the pardoning
- Does Betteridge's Law apply to this headline?
- Tear Duct Enhancement Surgery
- Two Toucans Canoe
- Town Hall #18: Sunflower
- The "Cheap" Web
- WishWell.io
- Paying Netflix $0.53/h, etc.
- The most frustrating thing in your life
- Scientists find exciting new way to talk about nothing in press releases
- Santa Prefers Wealthy Sick Children
- "All foods are either protein or candy."
- Santa Claus is not a god... yet
- How to Observe Buydays
- Make a /wish page!
- /wish
- You Buy; They Fly
- Town Hall #17: Scrimmage
- cram those ideas into a clown car
- "MVP" is dead! Long live "FPC".
- graphic design is my passion
- HNTV: play hn yt links locally
- Measure twice, vise thrice.
- husband, father, obligation
- Town Hall #16: Bloat
- wigwam.directory
- I hereby pardon all junior engineers
- "y'all'n't"
- Knuth Airgaps & Knuth Buffers
- Pseudoprose
- Town Hall #15: Artifacts
- what are authors even trying to do?
- Russian Woman Achieves 9x "Mythical" Man Month
- Compressing Codebase Collocates
- Digital Desire Paths
- How to opt-out of ChatGPT training without clearing conversation history
- if it talks like a therapist...
- How I Do Things: Chronic Fatigue Edition
- Taming Your Infinite Queues
- Living with Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
- Town Hall #14: Frends
- Apple should acquire Wolfram Research
- Profitable Parenting
- much worse than kids stomping that pig's bladder
- rvnx's "P**is Table Test" for LLM Censorship
- "Somebody Tranq That Child!"
- Easy Email Tokens in Pure Postgres
- How/Why to Sweep Async Tasks Under a Postgres Table
- my battlestation
- King of the Bunny Hill
- P**fectionism Isn't Your Problem
- The Lazy Garbage Nursery Guide
- How I Eat
- 56% of McNugget Carbon is Corn
- I'm a Coin Boy, Too
- How would you like ChatGPT to respond?
- gpt'day mate
- Chloe is a listener
- Share Demos Every Friday
- Man Spends Entire Career Mastering Crappy Codebase
- go big or go small or go home but don't go medium
- Town Hall #13: Pests
- How to Coast with Corporate Camouflage
- Rucking with Children
- Demonstrate Evergreen Proof
- Do Unforgettable Work
- Don't Fight Customers
- Find Your Value
- How To Pick Your Price
- Select Your Service
- Sell Your Service
- Productize Yourself
- Things That Outlive Fancy Rats
- Spoil Your Secret Sauce
- chexs.io
- Town Hall #12: WONTFIX
- blogs.hn
- Changelog #546: "Don't Make Things Worse!"
- When to Build Millennia Sewers
- I wasn't ready to start a tech conference.
- No More Bargain-Bin Kisses
- Hogwarts had a Cafetorium?
- Town Hall #11: Downhill
- they trap you in meetings because you do stupid shit
- i pretended that i didn't know any better
- IKEA-Oriented Development
- 11 Ways to Shave a Yak
- Put Your Reputation on the Deadline
- Weeds & Bozo Explosions
- Nextdoor's Heisensubscribe (And Other Dark Patterns)
- Town Hall #10: Seeds
- Why I Use Elm in 2023
- Candid Culture
- My Book Reviews
- Tiny Table-of-Contents JS Snippet
- Lifestyle Design (from First Principles)
- Case Study: Taylor's Lifestyle Design
- Tools & Techniques for AR/VR Media
- Taylor's Delights
- I never want to be 93 years old
- Good Art is Commonplace
- Taylor's Media Criticism System
- Slay Dragon Before Reorganizing Closet
- Town Hall #9: Listen
- Apple Will Win The AR/VR Wars
- AR Interoperability Opportunities
- Monomode & Multimode in Augmented Reality
- AR Demands Peripherals
- Claim a Domain in the Wet Web
- Say "quadyssey", not "quadrilogy".
- Town Hall #8: Scaling
- How to be a -10x Engineer
- Fire 50% Of Managers (At Random)
- Winning the Goblin's Game
- Bananas Will Become Smartphones
- How to Become Exponential
- A Cyberpunk Bathroom in the Middle of Nowhere
- Town Hall #7: Scary Stuff
- My Yearly Themes
- Don't Play Near Black Holes
- Charts & Checklists for Serious Dreamers
- Are You Serious?
- Death in Diapers
- Ghost Story
- Town Hall #6: Spark Joy and Conversation
- How to Learn a Foreign Language in 500 Hours
- How to Cultivate Joy
- Town Hall #5: Outdoing Myself
- Deflect External Acceptance
- How To Stop Being Fake
- Some thoughts on prime numbers
- Five Hundred Hours
- Leave Your Phone at Home
- Decline Invitations
- Find a Phone-Home
- Busy Brain, Busy Body
- The Joy of Monotasking
- Toki Pona Sign-Language Flash-Cards
- How to Scrounge for Between Time
- take everything to your grave
- How to Thwart Waiting Mode
- Nothing Fulfills
- Taylor's Timeline
- Pick Practical Principles
- Refrigerate Reusable Water Bottles
- Your Brilliant App Idea
- zeroes
- December 2022
- Rules for Good Work
- The Toki Pona Baby Sign-Language Guide
- My Podcast Subscriptions
- The Toki Pona Baby Sign-Language Manifesto
- Make Important Things Inevitable
- Please Sell My Personal Information
- A Tiny HTML Snippet to "Discuss on HN"
- Eschew the New
- Liberate Breakfast
- about
- November 2022
- 8 Weekends Without A Drink
- Tips for Remote Work
- Weekend Whenever
- Extinguish All Notifications
- Accept Your Fate
- 10 Minutes is 1% of Your Day
- October 2022
- The Only Way to Make Money
- Beware The Grind
- A Magic Question for Emotional Conversations
- Blogs and Newsletters
- September 2022
- Thank You vs. Sorry
- My Deep Daily Questions
- The Scourge of "Someday"
- Never Wait for Anything
- How do I get the ability to see the gnomes?
- 1,000 Weekends Without A Drink
- How to Become the Worst Version of Yourself
- never wait for the check at restaurants
- Parental-Self-Controls
- Hire Me
- Student-Oriented Teaching
- No Fights
- Un-Bucket List
- It Tastes Like a Penny
- Do It for the Music
- awesome-awesome-awesome
- Long-Live Plain Text!
- The World's Ugliest Ring
- Fame: Persistence vs. Skill
- Why Is Every Song Out-of-Tune?
- Using {Blocks} in Rust & Go for Fun & Profit
- Why JavaScript's Secret Comma Operator is So Darn Useful
- nowify
- Synthetic Intelligence
- LIT Home
- Maybe I Don't Know More than the Experts
- My Music Reviews
- “I’m lonely 😎”
- /now
- Choose Values over Discipline
- The Universe is God (According to Christians)
- Plunge
- On Improving Education
- Nobody Actually Sneezes
- LiveCount Demo
- Party Ideas
- Finding an Infintesimal Worm in Your Apple
- An Algorithm for Generating Ideas
- Daily Routine
- Optimum Me
- Don't Feel Your Feelings
- Suspended Disbelief
- What isn't David
- Structure-State-Value Architecture for OOP
- How Do Taoists Quit Smoking?
- The Speedy Media Manifesto
- Nothing
- A One-Size-Fits-Most Software Architecture
- Set Phasers to Blind
- The Problem with Podcasts
- Self-Control is an Anti-Virtue
- Time
- Always Waiting
- Be Unreasonable
- Plausible Deniability
- Becoming
- JSON Considered Harmful
- Self-Host Blog Images in Two Lines of Bash
- Bucket List
- Blood & Brain ; Heart & Helix