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Profitable Plant Propagation Prevents Poaching

This essay is part of a series on offensive horticulture.

Some people purchase plants.

Other people search for rare plants and sell them.

Some plants live in protected places.

Taking plants from protected places is called "poaching". Poaching is illegal.

Abducting plants hurts nature. The death of a species reaps unforseeable consequences.

We should stop people from poaching plants.

We tried telling people to stop poaching, but that didn't work.

We tried telling people to stop purchasing, but that didn't work either.

Plants can propagate.

People with rare plants can make cuttings and copies of their plants.

People can profit from selling copies of rare plants.

If people provide sustainable paths to purchase plants, then poachers will be too poor to poach.

Sustainable propagation seems impossible. Some plants are nearly impossible to copy. Induced demand may backfire.

People must persist.

Please protect our precious plants.