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AR Interoperability Opportunities

Related AR/VR essays: Apple Will Win The AR/VR Wars, AR Demands Peripherals, Bananas Will Become Smartphones, Monomode and Multimode in Augmented Reality, Claim a Domain in the Wet Web, Tools and Techniques for AR/VR Media

Author's note: I'd like to update these lists and create formal specs, so email me if you've got time or ideas.

Do you want Facebook on your face? Do you want Google controlling what you notice? Do you want Apple in your eyes?

Netscape's reincarnation is nigh. We're forging the future today.

In my opinion, a wet web controlled by AOL/FB/Yelp/Google/Apple will be bad for everybody. This is a call to create open platforms.

AR Signage

Worst case:

Best case:

Virtual Clothing/Accessories

Worst case:

Best case:

Video Chats

Worst case:

Best case:

FOV Signalling

Headphones physically signal to people that you are not listening to your environment.

When AR headsets obstruct your vision, we need a common way of signalling that you are not visually engaged with your surroundings. We need the visual equivalent of "headphones on".

For example, somebody deep into an AR spreadsheet program could publicly display to others as blindfolded.

Worst case:

Best case: