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Foods for Straight Teeth & Easy Breathing

Our teeth […] evolved over hundreds of millions of years to be incredibly strong and to align precisely for efficient chewing. […] Our dental disorders largely stem from a shift in the oral environment caused by the introduction of softer, more sugary foods than the ones our ancestors typically ate.

-- Peter S. Ungar

My face is asymmetrical, narrow, and awkward. My chin will likely never make a grand debut. I wore braces (twice). My parents paid a guy to surgically remove my wisdom teeth. I am plagued by cavities, bruxism, chronic fatigue, sleep apnea, and depression.

Many smart folks (and incels?) believe that soft foods messed up my face. I'm just a dude on the internet; here are some links: Wikipedia, video, book/pdf, book/pdf, book, paper, paper, paper, etc.

With my daughter, we had much success with baby-led feeding. As she grows, we plan on feeding her the following foods for healthy myofacial development:

Maintaining an endless stream of nutritious food is difficult. Here's my general strategy:

  1. As your budget allows, focus your grocery list on (1) protein-rich foods and (2) foods that were common before ~1600CE (see list above). Avoid anything with a nutrition label, especially foods targeted at babies/kids.
  2. Prefer organic produce for little ones; pesticides impede brain development, but appear to have negligible effects on adults. By selling direct-to-consumer, local farmers' markets often sell pesticide-free produce at very affordable prices.
  3. If possible, set up automatic grocery delivery to avoid in-store temptations.
  4. Wash/prepare your produce (skip berries) as soon as you bring them home from the market. Be lazy -- never slice or skin anything that doesn't require it.
  5. Store-bought snacks are dowsed in sugar and preservatives. Buy a dehydrator. Dry ~75% of all your meats and produce. Remember that fresh year-round produce is a contemporary phenomenon -- preservation was the norm. It's also very tasty.
  6. Your dehydrator should always be running. It takes ~5 minutes to slice up stuff with a mandoline or rotary slicer and throw it on a tray. Get a cheap cleaver machine for big stuff.
  7. Most dried foods will last years if vacuum-sealed with a magic $10 device. They'll last indefinitely in the freezer.
  8. If your new food is too "boring", build a collection of oils/dips/butters/jams/spices to experiment with.

Additional things to consider: