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acedia spiritual lethargy via Devine
agog eager anticipation
alacrity brisk willingness
ambigram a word or design that can be understood from multiple orientations via Devine
antediluvian pre-flood ancientness
anterior situated in front
antifragile gaining strength from stress/disorder via Devine
apoplectic showing intense rage
apotheosis deification
appetency intense desire
arcadian idyllically pastoral
asemic deliberately meaningless writing or artistic marks via Devine
athanasia immortality
august majestic dignity
avuncular uncle-like kindness
beano a game in which beans are used as markers; a social gathering with games
bedlam a scene of uproar and confusion
bellicose warlike; aggressive
bibulous given to drinking alcohol
bilious associated with nausea or vomiting; peevish
blight a plant disease causing damage; something that impairs growth or ruins prospects
bloviate to speak pompously or excessively
bosky wooded, shady
bowdlerize to censor a text by removing or altering parts considered vulgar
brontide a sound like distant thunder, thought to be caused by seismic activity
brouhaha a noisy and overexcited reaction or response to something
bugbear a cause of obsessive fear or anxiety
buoyant able to float; cheerful and optimistic
cadge to beg or get by begging
cahoots collaborating together secretly
callow inexperienced and immature
camarilla a small group of secret advisers; a clique
carking causing distress or worry
cerulean deep sky blue
chelonian pertaining to turtles
chicanery the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose
churlish rude in a mean-spirited and surly way
clamor loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting vehemently
clement mild or merciful in disposition or character; lenient; compassionate
cloying disgustingly or distastefully sweet
concinnity harmony or elegance in the arrangement or disposition of parts or elements of something; stylistic unity
conniption informal term for a fit of rage or hysterics
corpulent fat
couth cultured, refined, and well-mannered
crepuscular pertaining to twilight; active during the twilight
dastardly cowardly and treacherous
declivity downward slope
degust to taste carefully
denouement outcome; resolution
desiderata essential items
didactic instructive
dither indecisive agitation
dragoon coerce by force
effluvium unpleasant odor
elan vivacious energy
eldritch weird, eerie
ennui boredom
epitome a perfect example via Richard
ersatz substitute, usually inferior
eucatastrophe joyous turn in a story
eventide evening time
factotum doitall servant
fantods nervous jitters
farrago confused mixture
fecund fertile
felicitous apt and delightful
festoon decorate with garlands
fetching attractive
fetid badly smelling
flibbertigibbet frivolous, talkative person
flummox confuse
foist impose deceitfully
folderol trivial nonsense
foment stir up trouble
fractious irritable and quarrelsome
frangible breakable
frazzle exhaust physically or emotionally
fubsy short and stout
fugacious fleeting
fulsome excessive to the point of disgust, often insincere
furtive stealthy
fussbudget one who fusses over trifles
fusty musty, stale
gadfly annoying critic
gallivant roam for pleasure
garrulous talkative
gauche awkward or tactless
gehenna place of fiery torment
gematria the practice of assigning numerical values to letters to find hidden meanings in texts via Devine
gewgaw cheap, showy trinket
gibbous more than half but not fully illuminated (used in describing moon phases)
gobbet lump or chunk of raw meat
gruntled pleased, satisfied
guttle eat greedily
haecceity primitive thisness via Alexey
harbinger sign of future events
helter-skelter disorderly haste
hirsute hairy
iconoclast one who attacks cherished beliefs
imbroglio complex dispute or argument
impecunious having little or no money
inimical hostile
insessor one who sits in or on via Futility Closet
insipid lacking flavor or interest
insolent rude and arrogant
insouciance casual lack of concern
invective harsh, abusive language
irascible easily angered
jalopy old, unreliable car
jaunt short pleasure trip
jejune naive, simplistic, and superficial
jeremiad a prolonged lament
jirble to spill liquid by shaky hands
knave dishonest man
lachrymose tearful
lacuna gap or missing part
lagniappe small gift given to a customer
languid slow and relaxed
lateralus illusion of inescapable cyclicality via Devine
leitmotif a recurring theme or pattern in a work of art via Devine
lilliputian extremely small
logorrhea excessive talkativeness
lollygag idle aimlessly
ludic showing spontaneous and undirected playfulness
lugubrious mournfully gloomy
lummox clumsy, stupid person
malarkey nonsense
marplot meddler who spoils plans
martinet strict disciplinarian
mawkish sentimentally emotional
mayhap perhaps
melange mixture
mephitic foul-smelling
mercurial unpredictable and changeable
meretricious attractively flashy but having no real value
miasma noxious atmosphere or influence
mollycoddle overprotect excessively
mordant bitingly sarcastic
mottainai the sense that something is too precious to waste via Devine
mottle mark with spots or blotches
mountebank charlatan or trickster
mugwump independent in politics, or a fence-sitter
munificent very generous
nadir lowest point
nascent just beginning to develop
natter chat idly
nettle irritate or annoy
numinous spiritual or supernatural
obloquy public criticism or verbal abuse
obsequious excessively submissive
obstreperous noisy and difficult to control
odium general or widespread hatred or disgust
oeuvre a body of work by an artist or writer
oleaginous excessively flattering; oily
orotund full and rich in sound (in speech)
otiose useless; serving no practical purpose
palindrome a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward via Devine
palliate lessen the severity without curing
panache distinctive and stylish elegance
panoply complete or impressive collection
parlous dangerous, risky
paroxysm sudden outburst of emotion or activity
parsimony extreme unwillingness to spend money or use resources via Devine
peccadillo small, relatively unimportant offense
pedant someone who overemphasizes rules or minor details
peremptory leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal
perfidy deceitfulness, untrustworthiness
persiflage light, mocking talk or writing
pestiferous harboring infection and disease
philistine one indifferent to culture and the arts
piffle nonsensical or trivial talk
pithy concise and full of meaning
plangent loud, reverberating, and often melancholy
poltroon an utter coward
portent a sign or warning that something momentous is likely to happen
procrustean enforcing uniformity or conformity without regard to natural variation
prolix tediously wordy
putative generally considered or reputed to be
quaff to drink heartily and deeply
querulous complaining in a petulant or whining manner
quiddity the essential nature of something
quidnunc a person eager to learn news and gossip
quisling a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country
quixotic exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical
quotidian daily; everyday or ordinary
raconteur a person skilled in telling anecdotes
recalcitrant resisting authority or control
refulgent shining brightly
reticent not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily
ribald referring to sexual matters in an amusingly coarse or irreverent way
rigmarole a lengthy and complicated procedure
rizzle likely meant to be "sizzle" or "riddle"; if neither, it's unknown
saccharine excessively sweet or sentimental
sagacity acuteness of mental discernment and soundness of judgment
sanguine optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation
sardonic grimly mocking or cynical
sartorial relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress
saturnine slow and gloomy
saucy impertinent; cheeky
scintilla a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling
scrofulous morally degraded; also refers to a disease marked by swellings of the lymphatic glands
scrub incompetent person
scurrilous spreading scandalous claims meant to damage reputation
scurryfunge a hasty tidying of the house
scuttle to deliberately cause (a scheme) to fail
sea lawyer argumentative individuals who debate points that might be considered trivial or obvious to others
sinecure a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit
slake quench or satisfy (one’s thirst)
slank likely an error or unknown; no clear definition
smarmy ingratiating and wheedling in a way that is perceived as insincere or excessive
smashing impressive, wonderful (informal british)
smeuse a gap in the base of a hedge made by the regular passage of a small animal
sodriquet likely meant to be "sobriquet," which means a person's nickname
sophistry the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving
specious superficially plausible, but actually wrong
spurious not being what it purports to be; false or fake
squalid extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect
squelch forcefully silence or suppress
stultify cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine
stygian very dark
suborn bribe or otherwise induce someone to commit an unlawful act
subtopia the unsightly sprawl of urban areas into the countryside
surfeit an excessive amount of something
susurrus whispering or rustling sound
swivet a state of nervous excitement or agitation
sylvan relating to the woods or forest
temerity excessive confidence or boldness; audacity
thrall the state of being in someone's power or having great power over someone
toothsome tasty, delicious
torpid mentally or physically inactive; lethargic
treacle a thick, sticky dark syrup made from refined sugar; overly sentimental
trice in a very short time
tripe the edible lining of the stomach of a ruminant used as food; something regarded as worthless or offensive
truckle to submit or yield obsequiously to a superior force or to the authority or will of another
truculent eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant
turgid swollen and distended or congested; (of language or style) tediously pompous or bombastic
twee excessively quaint, pretty, or sentimental
tyro a beginner or novice
unctuous excessively flattering or ingratiating; oily
vamoose depart hurriedly
velleity a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action
venal open to bribery; corrupt
vex make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried
vicissitudes changes of circumstances or fortune, typically those that are unwelcome or unpleasant
vociferous clamorous; outspoken or noisy, especially in opposition
vulpine of or like a fox; cunning or crafty
wanton deliberate and unprovoked ; sexually unrestrained or having no just foundation or provocation
warble to sing softly and with a succession of constantly changing notes
weltschmerz a feeling of melancholy and world-weariness via Devine
wend to go in a specified direction, typically slowly or by an indirect route
winkle extract or obtain something with difficulty
woolgathering indulgence in aimless thought or dreamy imagining; absentmindedness
yclept named or called (used humorously or archaically)
zaftig having a full, rounded figure; plump (often used of a woman)
zephyr a soft, gentle breeze